Understand spoken Dutch

Countries and Nationalities Dutch lesson

Israel. The Dutch for "Israel" is "Israël".
Europe. The Dutch for "Europe" is "Europa".
Belgium. The Dutch for "Belgium" is "België".
Countries. The Dutch for "countries" is "landen".
China. The Dutch for "China" is "China".
Brazil. The Dutch for "Brazil" is "Brazilië".
Croatia. The Dutch for "Croatia" is "Kroatië".
Syria. The Dutch for "Syria" is "Syrië".
Saudi Arabia. The Dutch for "Saudi Arabia" is "Saoedi-Arabië".
European. The Dutch for "European" is "Europese".
The Netherlands. The Dutch for "The Netherlands" is "Nederland".
America. The Dutch for "America" is "Amerika".
Africa. The Dutch for "Africa" is "Afrika".
Finland. The Dutch for "Finland" is "Finland".
Austria. The Dutch for "Austria" is "Oostenrijk".
Sweden. The Dutch for "Sweden" is "Zweden".
Scotland. The Dutch for "Scotland" is "Schotland".
Thai. The Dutch for "Thai" is "Thais".
Greece. The Dutch for "Greece" is "Griekenland".
Poland. The Dutch for "Poland" is "Polen".