Understand spoken Thai

"Did you ask him whether he would be able to come or not?" in Thai


Literal Breakdown


The Thai translation for “Did you ask him whether he would be able to come or not?” is คุณถามเขาหรือเปล่าว่าเขาจะมาได้ไหม. The Thai, คุณถามเขาหรือเปล่าว่าเขาจะมาได้ไหม, can be broken down into 10 parts:"you" (คุณ), "to ask" (ถาม), "he; she" (เขา), "or not?" (หรือเปล่า), "as; that" (ว่า), "he; she" (เขา), "will; shall" (จะ), "to come" (มา), "can; to be able to" (ได้) and "question particle" (ไหม).

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