Understand spoken Italian

"You are a excellent cook, you should work in a restaurant one day!" in Italian

Sei un cuoca eccezionale, dovresti lavorare in un ristorante un giorno!

Literal Breakdown


The Italian translation for “You are a excellent cook, you should work in a restaurant one day!” is Sei un cuoca eccezionale, dovresti lavorare in un ristorante un giorno!. The Italian, Sei un cuoca eccezionale, dovresti lavorare in un ristorante un giorno!, can be broken down into 11 parts:"you are" (sei), "a (masculine)" (un), "female cook" (cuoca), "exceptional; extraordinary" (eccezionale), "you should" (dovresti), "to work" (lavorare), "in; to" (in), "a (masculine)" (un), "restaurant" (ristorante), "a (masculine)" (un) and "day" (giorno).

Examples of "You are a excellent cook, you should work in a restaurant one day!" in use

There is 1 example of the Italian word for "You are a excellent cook, you should work in a restaurant one day!" being used:

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