Understand spoken French

"If you want to cancel an appointment, you can do it immediatly through the homepage of our website www.saintluc.be" in French

Si vous souhaitez annuler un rendez-vous, vous pouvez le faire sans plus attendre via la page d’accueil de notre site internet www.saintluc.be


Literal Breakdown


The French translation for “If you want to cancel an appointment, you can do it immediatly through the homepage of our website www.saintluc.be” is Si vous souhaitez annuler un rendez-vous, vous pouvez le faire sans plus attendre via la page d’accueil de notre site internet www.saintluc.be. The French, Si vous souhaitez annuler un rendez-vous, vous pouvez le faire sans plus attendre via la page d’accueil de notre site internet www.saintluc.be, can be broken down into 24 parts:"if" (si), "you (singular polite form and plural)" (vous), "wish; want (present tense, 2nd person plural)" (souhaitez), "to cancel" (annuler), "a (masculine)" (un), "appointment; appointments" (rendez-vous), "you (singular polite form and plural)" (vous), "are able to; can (2nd person plural)" (pouvez), "the (masculine)" (le), "to do; to make" (faire), "immediately" (sans plus attendre), "via; through" (via), "the (feminine)" (la), "homepage" (page d’accueil), "of; from" (de), "our (singular)" (notre), "website" (site internet), "three (3)" (trois), "times (number of repetitions)" (fois), "W" (W), "point; dot" (point), "Saint Luke" (Saint-Luc), "point; dot" (point) and "BE (abbreviation for Belgium)" (BE).

Examples of "If you want to cancel an appointment, you can do it immediatly through the homepage of our website www.saintluc.be" in use

There is 1 example of the French word for "If you want to cancel an appointment, you can do it immediatly through the homepage of our website www.saintluc.be" being used:

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