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10 years 6 months ago
this is a wolf

c’est un loup

10 years 6 months ago
this is a squirrel

c’est un écureuil

10 years 6 months ago
this is a monkey

c’est un singe

10 years 6 months ago
this is a lamb

c’est un agneau

10 years 6 months ago
this is a very cute kitten

c’est un chaton très mignon

10 years 6 months ago
this is a small insect

c’est un petit insecte

10 years 6 months ago
this is a white horse

c’est un cheval blanc

10 years 6 months ago


10 years 6 months ago
this is a goose

c’est une oie

10 years 6 months ago
this is a goldfish

c’est un poisson rouge

10 years 6 months ago
this is a guinea pig

c’est un cochon d’Inde

10 years 6 months ago
this is a frog

c’est une grenouille

10 years 6 months ago
this is a fish

c’est un poisson

10 years 6 months ago
this is a duck

c’est un canard

10 years 6 months ago
this is a dragon

c’est un dragon

10 years 6 months ago
this is a donkey

c’est un âne

10 years 6 months ago
this is a funny dolphin

c’est un dauphin amusant

10 years 6 months ago


10 years 6 months ago
this is a dinosaur

c’est un dinosaure

10 years 6 months ago
this is a crow

c’est un corbeau

10 years 6 months ago
this is a crocodile

c’est un crocodile

10 years 6 months ago
this is a crab

c’est un crabe

10 years 6 months ago
this is a small chicken

c’est un petit poulet

10 years 6 months ago
this is a clam

c’est une palourde

10 years 6 months ago
this is a big dog

c’est un gros chien

10 years 6 months ago
purple (feminine)


10 years 6 months ago
purple (masculine)


10 years 6 months ago


10 years 6 months ago
green (feminine)


10 years 6 months ago
green (masculine)


10 years 6 months ago
grey (feminine)


10 years 6 months ago
grey (masculine)


10 years 6 months ago


10 years 6 months ago
black (feminine)


10 years 6 months ago
black (masculine)


10 years 6 months ago
this is a calf

c’est un veau

10 years 6 months ago
this is a beautiful butterfly

c’est un beau papillon

10 years 6 months ago
he has a muscular body

il a un corps musclé

10 years 6 months ago


10 years 6 months ago