Understand spoken French

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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
you say (plural or polite form)

vous dites

10 years 6 months ago
we say

nous disons

10 years 6 months ago
we say; people say

on dit

10 years 6 months ago
she says

elle dit

10 years 6 months ago
he says

il dit

10 years 6 months ago
you say

tu dis

10 years 6 months ago
I say

je dis

10 years 6 months ago
to say


10 years 6 months ago
they know (feminine)

elles savent

10 years 6 months ago
they know (masculine)

ils savent

10 years 6 months ago
we know

nous savons

10 years 6 months ago
we know; people know

on sait

10 years 6 months ago
she knows

elle sait

10 years 6 months ago
he knows

il sait

10 years 6 months ago
you know

tu sais

10 years 6 months ago
I know

je sais

10 years 6 months ago
to know; to be aware


10 years 6 months ago
they see (feminine)

elles voient

10 years 6 months ago
they see (masculine)

ils voient

10 years 6 months ago
you see (plural or polite form)

vous voyez

10 years 6 months ago
we see

nous voyons

10 years 6 months ago
we see; people see

on voit

10 years 6 months ago
she sees

elle voit

10 years 6 months ago
he sees

il voit

10 years 6 months ago
you see

tu vois

10 years 6 months ago
I see

je vois

10 years 6 months ago
to see


10 years 6 months ago
closed (feminine)


10 years 6 months ago
I would like (formal)

je voudrais

10 years 6 months ago
they want (feminine)

elles veulent

10 years 6 months ago
they want (masculine)

ils veulent

10 years 6 months ago
you want (plural or polite form)

vous voulez

10 years 6 months ago
we want

nous voulons

10 years 6 months ago
we want; people want

on veut

10 years 6 months ago
she wants

elle veut

10 years 6 months ago
he wants

il veut

10 years 6 months ago
wants; is wanting


10 years 6 months ago
you want

tu veux

10 years 6 months ago
I want

je veux

10 years 6 months ago
to want


10 years 6 months ago