Understand spoken French

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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
What are you replying Sir?

Que répondez-vous, Monsieur ?

10 years 3 months ago
What are you replying?

Que répondez-vous ?

10 years 3 months ago
What are you saying Sir?

Que dites-vous, Monsieur ?

10 years 3 months ago
What are you saying?

Que dites-vous ?

10 years 3 months ago
What do you have Sir?

Qu’avez-vous, Monsieur ?

10 years 3 months ago
What do you have?

Qu’avez-vous ?

10 years 3 months ago
Where are we Sir?

Où sommes-nous, Monsieur ?

10 years 3 months ago
Where are we?

Où sommes-nous ?

10 years 3 months ago
Where are you Sir?

Où êtes-vous, Monsieur ?

10 years 3 months ago
Where are you?

Où êtes-vous ?

10 years 3 months ago
What do you want Sir?

Que voulez-vous, Monsieur ?

10 years 3 months ago
What do you want?

Que voulez-vous ?

10 years 3 months ago
Where are you going Sir?

Où allez-vous, Monsieur ?

10 years 3 months ago
Where are you going?

Où allez-vous ?

10 years 3 months ago
The manager will take you there.

Le gérant va vous y conduire.

10 years 3 months ago


10 years 3 months ago
He will take you there.

Il va vous y conduire.

10 years 3 months ago
my son

mon fils

10 years 3 months ago
She will take you there.

Elle va vous y conduire.

10 years 3 months ago
My wife will take you there

Ma femme va vous y conduire.

10 years 3 months ago
my wife

ma femme

10 years 3 months ago
My friend will take you there.

Mon ami va vous y conduire.

10 years 3 months ago
my friend

mon ami

10 years 3 months ago


10 years 3 months ago
many; plenty of (informal)

plein de

10 years 3 months ago


10 years 3 months ago
half (masculine)


10 years 3 months ago
will faint (3rd person singular)

tombera dans les pommes

10 years 3 months ago
half (feminine)


10 years 3 months ago
straight away


10 years 3 months ago
immediately; right away

tout de suite

10 years 3 months ago
yes (reply to a negative question)


10 years 3 months ago
to faint

tomber dans les pommes

10 years 3 months ago
in a hurry (plural)


10 years 3 months ago
01 (zero one)

zéro une

10 years 3 months ago


10 years 3 months ago
alone (feminine plural)


10 years 4 months ago
alone (masculine plural)


10 years 4 months ago
alone (masculine)


10 years 4 months ago
How much is nine and nine?

Combien font neuf et neuf ?

10 years 4 months ago