Understand spoken French

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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
When you were little you weren’t shy at all.

Quand tu étais petit, tu n’étais pas du tout timide.

10 years 3 months ago
not at all

pas du tout

10 years 3 months ago
When I was a child I wasn’t well-behaved.

Quand j’étais enfant, je n’étais pas sage.

10 years 3 months ago
weren’t (2nd person singular)

n’étais pas

10 years 3 months ago
wasn’t (1st person singular)

n’étais pas

10 years 3 months ago
When I was little I was very shy.

Quand j’étais petit, j’étais très timide.

10 years 3 months ago


10 years 3 months ago
When you were a child you were very well-behaved.

Quand tu étais enfant, tu étais très sage.

10 years 3 months ago
Winnie-the-Pooh loves honey

Winnie adore le miel

10 years 3 months ago
the honey

le miel

10 years 3 months ago
Rabbit is the friend of Winnie-the-Pooh.

Coco lapin est l’ami de Winnie.

10 years 3 months ago
the friend


10 years 3 months ago
them (people, emphasised)


10 years 3 months ago
Winnie-the-Pooh is a very famous little bear

Winnie l’ourson est un petit ours très célèbre

10 years 3 months ago
bear cub


10 years 3 months ago
the bear cub


10 years 3 months ago


10 years 3 months ago
You’re not French?

Vous n’êtes pas français ?

10 years 3 months ago
You’re not on holiday?

Vous n’êtes pas en vacances ?

10 years 3 months ago
You’re not at the restaurant?

Vous n’êtes pas au restaurant ?

10 years 3 months ago
at the restaurant

au restaurant

10 years 3 months ago
You’re not free?

Vous n’êtes pas libre ?

10 years 3 months ago
free; available (singular)


10 years 3 months ago
You’re not in a hurry?

Vous n’êtes pas pressé ?

10 years 3 months ago
in a hurry


10 years 3 months ago
You’re not with them?

Vous n’êtes pas avec eux ?

10 years 3 months ago
with them

avec eux

10 years 3 months ago
You’re not alone?

Vous n’êtes pas seul ?

10 years 3 months ago
You’re not late?

Vous n’êtes pas en retard ?

10 years 3 months ago
You’re not happy?

Vous n’êtes pas heureux ?

10 years 3 months ago
the manager

le gérant

10 years 3 months ago
how many? how much?

combien ?

10 years 3 months ago
minus; less


10 years 3 months ago


10 years 3 months ago
dear; expensive (masculine plural)


10 years 3 months ago
dear; expensive (feminine singular)


10 years 3 months ago
friend (masculine)


10 years 3 months ago
May I help you?

Que désirez-vous ?

10 years 3 months ago
What do they say Sir?

Que dit-on, Monsieur ?

10 years 3 months ago
What do they say?

Que dit-on ?

10 years 3 months ago