Understand spoken French

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Is he going to the restaurant?

Va-t-il au restaurant ?

10 years 1 month ago
Is he going on vacation?

Va-t-il en vacances ?

10 years 1 month ago
Is he going to the café?

Va-t-il au café ?

10 years 1 month ago
Is he going to class?

Va-t-il en classe ?

10 years 1 month ago
Is she going to Lyon?

Va-t-elle à Lyon ?

10 years 1 month ago
What train are you taking?

Par quel train partez-vous ?

10 years 1 month ago
Can I?

Puis-je ?

10 years 1 month ago


10 years 1 month ago


10 years 1 month ago


10 years 1 month ago


10 years 1 month ago
train station


10 years 1 month ago
t (pronunciation aid)


10 years 1 month ago
ls she going to the restaurant?

Va-t-elle au restaurant ?

10 years 1 month ago
ls she going to Paris?

Va-t-elle à Paris ?

10 years 1 month ago
ls she going to the café?

Va-t-elle au café ?

10 years 1 month ago
She feels fine.

Elle va bien.

10 years 1 month ago
My friend feels fine. (feminine)

Mon amie va bien.

10 years 1 month ago
My wife feels fine.

Ma femme va bien.

10 years 1 month ago
My daughter feels fine.

Ma fille va bien.

10 years 1 month ago
My mother feels fine.

Ma mère va bien.

10 years 1 month ago
My sister feels fine.

Ma sœur va bien.

10 years 1 month ago
He feels fine

Il va bien

10 years 1 month ago
friend (feminine)


10 years 1 month ago
My friend feels fine. (masculine)

Mon ami va bien.

10 years 1 month ago
My child feels fine.

Mon enfant va bien.

10 years 1 month ago
My husband feels fine.

Mon mari va bien.

10 years 1 month ago
My son feels fine.

Mon fils va bien.

10 years 1 month ago
My father feels fine.

Mon père va bien.

10 years 1 month ago
My brother feels fine.

Mon frère va bien.

10 years 1 month ago
I also like to go on holidays

j’aime également partir en vacances

10 years 1 month ago
on (duration)


10 years 1 month ago


10 years 1 month ago
and this year I’m going to go to Indonesia

et cette année-ci je vais partir en Indonésie

10 years 1 month ago
and long walks

et les longues promenades

10 years 1 month ago
the walking

la marche

10 years 1 month ago
the running

la course

10 years 1 month ago
especially fitness

notamment le fitness

10 years 1 month ago
I like to do sport

j’aime faire du sport

10 years 1 month ago
I’m single

je suis célibataire

10 years 1 month ago