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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
23 (twenty-three)


9 years 11 months ago
twenty-two (22)


9 years 11 months ago
twenty-one (21; masculine)


9 years 11 months ago
next (feminine)


9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago
dining car (old fashioned)


9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago
Then I listen gladly.

Alors, j’écoute volontiers.

9 years 11 months ago
Then they accept gladly.

Alors, ils acceptent volontiers.

9 years 11 months ago
accept; are accepting (3rd person plural)


9 years 11 months ago
Then we listen gladly.

Alors, nous écoutons volontiers.

9 years 11 months ago
Then I gladly return.

Alors, je rentre volontiers.

9 years 11 months ago
Then we gladly accept.

Alors, nous acceptons volontiers.

9 years 11 months ago
Then I am leaving gladly.

Alors, je pars volontiers.

9 years 11 months ago
I’m just going to go to town.

Je vais justement aller en ville.

9 years 11 months ago
I just hope to go into town.

J’espère justement aller en ville.

9 years 11 months ago
I would just go to town.

Je voudrais justement aller en ville.

9 years 11 months ago
She just has to go to town.

Elle doit justement aller en ville.

9 years 11 months ago
He is just going to go to town.

Il va justement aller en ville.

9 years 11 months ago
We are precisely going to go to town.

Nous allons justement aller en ville.

9 years 11 months ago
I have to just take a platform ticket.

Je dois justement prendre un ticket de quai.

9 years 11 months ago
I have to just wake the children.

Je dois justement réveiller les enfants.

9 years 11 months ago
I have just iron a shirt.

Je dois justement repasser une chemise.

9 years 11 months ago
I have to just buy the aspirin.

Je dois justement acheter de l’aspirine.

9 years 11 months ago
I have to just go to the store.

Je dois justement aller au magasin.

9 years 11 months ago
I have to just take the train.

Je dois justement prendre le train.

9 years 11 months ago
I must just have lunch over there.

Je dois justement déjeuner là-bas.

9 years 11 months ago
I have to just buy something.

Je dois justement acheter quelque chose.

9 years 11 months ago
this (masculine, in front of a vowel)


9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago
the aspirin


9 years 11 months ago


9 years 11 months ago
somewhere; someplace

quelque part

9 years 11 months ago
sleeping car


9 years 11 months ago
information; details


9 years 11 months ago
returns; is returning


9 years 11 months ago
next (masculine)


9 years 11 months ago
early; advance


9 years 11 months ago