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English-French Dictionary - T

0 (9) 1 (30) 2 (19) 3 (19) 4 (15) 5 (13) 6 (16) 7 (13) 8 (16) 9 (17) A (1371) B (318) C (429) D (265) E (142) F (304) G (175) H (531) I (877) J (52) K (47) L (218) M (336) N (123) O (259) P (361) Q (31) R (191) S (900) T (2086) U (57) V (52) W (528) X (1) Y (171) Z (8)
English French Recording Learn
the name

le nom

the name and date of birth

le nom et la date de naissance

the napkin

la serviette

The napkins and the tablecloth are blue.

Les serviettes et la nappe sont bleues.

the nature

la nature

the navel; belly button

le nombril

the neck

le cou

the nectarine

la nectarine

the nephew

le neveu

The new road will connect the two cities.

La nouvelle route va relier les deux villes.

the next day I work in Africa

le lendemain je travaille en Afrique

the night

la nuit

the Nile

le Nil

the noise

le bruit

the nose

le nez

the novel

le roman

the number plates

les plaques d’immatriculation

the nurse (feminine)


the nurse (masculine)


The nurse does the blood sample.

L’infirmier fait la prise de sang.

The nurse is changing the dressing.

L’infirmière change le pansement.

The nurse sets up the drip.

L’infirmier pose la perfusion.

The nurse takes the patient’s temperature.

L’infirmière prend la température du patient.

the object


the ocean


the octagon


the octopus

le poulpe

the octopus has eight legs

le poulpe a 8 tentacules

the oil


the olive


the olive oil

l’huile d’olive

the one


the onion


the opera


the optician (feminine)


the optician (masculine)
