Understand spoken French

English-French Dictionary - U

0 (9) 1 (30) 2 (18) 3 (18) 4 (12) 5 (12) 6 (15) 7 (13) 8 (14) 9 (17) A (1371) B (318) C (429) D (264) E (144) F (308) G (175) H (531) I (877) J (52) K (47) L (218) M (336) N (123) O (259) P (361) Q (31) R (191) S (901) T (2088) U (57) V (52) W (528) X (1) Y (171) Z (8)
English French Recording Learn
UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) ovni
UFOs ovnis
ugly moche
ugly (feminine) laide
ugly (masculine) laid
uncle oncle
under the name of au nom de
under the name of Durand au nom de Durand
Under what name? À quel nom ?
under; below sous
underpants slip
underscore (_) souligné
understand (2nd person plural) comprenez
understand (1st person plural) comprenons
understand (1st person singular) comprends
understand (2nd person singular) comprends
understand (3rd person plural) comprennent
understands comprend
understood (masculine singular) compris
understood (feminine singular) comprise
underwater (feminine) sous-marine
underwear sous-vêtements
underwear (long-form) des sous-vêtements
unemployment chômage
unfortunately malheureusement
unfortunately, I have art lesson only two times a week malheureusement, j’ai dessin seulement deux fois par semaine
Unfortunately, I have art lesson only two times a week, the third lesson on Tuesday and the first lesson on Friday. Malheureusement, j’ai dessin seulement deux fois par semaine, le troisième cours mardi et le premier cours vendredi.
unicycle monocycle
unicycle (short form) mono
unicycle basketball mono-basket
unidentified flying object objet volant non identifié
union union
unique; only unique
united uni
united (plural) unis