Understand spoken French

English-French Dictionary - S

0 (9) 1 (30) 2 (18) 3 (18) 4 (12) 5 (12) 6 (15) 7 (13) 8 (14) 9 (17) A (1371) B (318) C (429) D (265) E (144) F (308) G (175) H (531) I (877) J (52) K (47) L (218) M (336) N (123) O (259) P (361) Q (31) R (191) S (901) T (2088) U (57) V (52) W (528) X (1) Y (171) Z (8)
English French Recording Learn
Someone is going to show me the photos. On va me montrer les photos.
Someone is going to show me the photos. Is someone going to show them to me? On va me montrer les photos. Va-t-on me les montrer ?
sometimes parfois
sometimes I work as well in fashion des fois je travaille aussi dans la mode
sometimes; occasionally quelquefois
somewhere; someplace quelque part
son fils
song chanson
soon bientôt
Sophie (girl’s name) Sophie
Sophie is the daughter. Sophie est la fille.
sorry (feminine singular) désolée
sorry (masculine singular) désolé
sorry for being late (formal or plural) excusez-moi pour le retard
sorry for being late (informal) excuse-moi pour le retard
Sorry, I have an appointment. Désolée, j’ai un rendez-vous.
sound son
soup soupe
sour cream; crème fraiche crème fraiche
South sud
souvenir; memory souvenir
sow truie
soya soja
spaghetti spaghetti
Spain l’Espagne
Spain (short form) Espagne
Spain is located in the south of France l’Espagne se trouve au sud de la France
Spanish l’espagnol
Spanish (feminine singular) espagnole
Spanish (masculine) espagnol
sparkling gazeuse
sparkling water eau gazeuse
spatula spatule
Speak louder Parlez plus fort.
speak; am speaking parle
speak; are speaking (1st person plural) parlons