Understand spoken Thai

"Why does he want to live in Thailand? (male polite form)" in Thai


Literal Breakdown


The Thai translation for “Why does he want to live in Thailand? (male polite form)” is ทำไมเขาถึงอยากไปอยู่เมืองไทยล่ะครับ. The Thai, ทำไมเขาถึงอยากไปอยู่เมืองไทยล่ะครับ, can be broken down into 9 parts:"why?" (ทำไม), "he; she" (เขา), "to reach; to arrive at" (ถึง), "to want to" (อยาก), "to go" (ไป), "is located at; to live at" (อยู่), "Thailand (informal)" (เมืองไทย), "particle to add an imperative quality" (ล่ะ) and "polite particle for male speakers" (ครับ).

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