Understand spoken Thai

Nature 4 Examples Thai lesson

Natural disaster. The Thai for "natural disaster" is "ภัยธรรมชาติ".
The building was destroyed by an earthquake.. The Thai for "The building was destroyed by an earthquake." is "อาคารถูกทำลายโดยแผ่นดินไหว".
Two bicycles in the mud. The Thai for "two bicycles in the mud" is "จักรยานสองคันอยู่ในโคลน".
Muddy shoes. The Thai for "muddy shoes" is "รองเท้าเปื้อนโคลน".
Cactus. The Thai for "cactus" is "ต้นกระบองเพชร".
A green watering can and a cactus in a flower pot. The Thai for "a green watering can and a cactus in a flower pot" is "บัวรดน้ำสีเขียวและกระบองเพชรในกระถาง".
Water pollution. The Thai for "water pollution" is "มลพิษทางน้ำ".
Air pollution. The Thai for "air pollution" is "มลพิษทางอากาศ".
Noise pollution. The Thai for "noise pollution" is "มลพิษทางเสียง".
Pine tree. The Thai for "pine tree" is "ต้นสน".
Pine forest. The Thai for "pine forest" is "ป่าสน".
Girls covered in mud. The Thai for "girls covered in mud" is "สาวๆตัวเปื้อนโคลน".
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