Understand spoken Thai

Miscellaneous 129 Examples Thai lesson

Dress. The Thai for "dress" is "ชุดเดรส".
Cotton buds. The Thai for "cotton buds" is "ไม้ปั่นหู".
To vote; to elect. The Thai for "to vote; to elect" is "เลือกตั้ง".
A man showing himself kissing a crocodile. The Thai for "a man showing himself kissing a crocodile" is "ผู้ชายโชว์การจูบกับจระเข้".
A woman showing herself lying on a crocodile’s back. The Thai for "a woman showing herself lying on a crocodile’s back" is "ผู้หญิงโชว์การนอนบนหลังจระเข้".
Curve. The Thai for "curve" is "เส้นโค้ง".
A cracked side mirror. The Thai for "a cracked side mirror" is "กระจกข้างร้าว".
A cracked wall. The Thai for "a cracked wall" is "กำแพงร้าว".
A cracked road. The Thai for "a cracked road" is "ถนนร้าว".
To sit leisurely. The Thai for "to sit leisurely" is "นั่งเล่น".