Lo so, credo che potrebbe piovere.
Literal Breakdown
Recording | English | Italian | Learn |
the (singular masculine) | lo | ||
I know (information) | so | ||
I believe | credo | ||
that | che | ||
he/she can; he/she could (conditional) | potrebbe | ||
to rain | piovere |
The Italian translation for “I know, I think it might rain.” is Lo so, credo che potrebbe piovere.. The Italian, Lo so, credo che potrebbe piovere., can be broken down into 6 parts:"the (singular masculine)" (lo), "I know (information)" (so), "I believe" (credo), "that" (che), "he/she can; he/she could (conditional)" (potrebbe) and "to rain" (piovere).Examples of "I know, I think it might rain." in use
There is 1 example of the Italian word for "I know, I think it might rain." being used:Recording | English | Italian | Learn |
The bad weather (dialogue for A1 speakers) | Il maltempo (dialogo per parlanti A1) |