répondre Learn Unstarted Summary The French translation for “to reply; to answer” is répondre. Examples of "to reply; to answer" in use There are 3 examples of the French word for "to reply; to answer" being used: Recording English French Learn You have to answer the question. Tu dois répondre à la question. Learn I don’t like to answer the phone. Je n’aime pas répondre au téléphone. Learn I have to answer to this ad for employment. Je dois répondre à cette annonce pour un emploi. Learn Practice Lesson "to reply; to answer" Practice (4) Lesson Learn Lesson words to reply; to answer etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases I don’t like to answer the phone., I have to answer to this ad for employment., You have to answer the question. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 83 Part of Speech Courses Verbs (-re infinitives) 1 Verbs (infinitives) 7