alors là généralement je reste dans le pays entre six mois et un an
Literal Breakdown
The French translation for “then in this case, generally I stay in the country between six months and one year” is alors là généralement je reste dans le pays entre six mois et un an. The French, alors là généralement je reste dans le pays entre six mois et un an, can be broken down into 13 parts:"then in this case" (alors là), "generally" (généralement), "I" (je), "remains; is remaining" (reste), "in; into" (dans), "the (masculine)" (le), "country" (pays), "between" (entre), "six (6)" (six), "month" (mois), "and" (et), "one (1)" (un) and "year" (an).Examples of "then in this case, generally I stay in the country between six months and one year" in use
There is 1 example of the French word for "then in this case, generally I stay in the country between six months and one year" being used:Recording | English | French | Learn |
Hello, my name is Jean. (dialogue) | Bonjour, je m’appelle Jean. (dialogue) |
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