Mon grand-père allait chez le crémier pour acheter du beurre.
Literal Breakdown
The French translation for “My grandfather used to go to the dairyman to buy butter.” is Mon grand-père allait chez le crémier pour acheter du beurre.. The French, Mon grand-père allait chez le crémier pour acheter du beurre., can be broken down into 10 parts:"my (masculine singular)" (mon), "grandfather" (grand-père), "was going (3rd person singular)" (allait), "at the home of" (chez), "the (masculine)" (le), "dairyman (from the word for cream)" (crémier), "for; to" (pour), "to buy" (acheter), "some (masculine)" (du) and "butter" (beurre).Practice Lesson

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