Understand spoken French

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" in French

Miroir mon beau miroir, dis-moi qui est la plus belle !


Literal Breakdown


This is a quote from the Snow White fairytale (which was originally in German), and so the translation from English to French is not a very literal translation.


The French translation for “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” is Miroir mon beau miroir, dis-moi qui est la plus belle !. The French, Miroir mon beau miroir, dis-moi qui est la plus belle !, can be broken down into 11 parts:"mirror" (miroir), "my (masculine singular)" (mon), "beautiful; handsome (masculine)" (beau), "mirror" (miroir), "say; are saying (2nd person singular)" (dis), "me (for emphasis)" (moi), "who; which; that" (qui), "is (3rd person singular)" (est), "the (feminine)" (la), "more; most" (plus) and "beautiful; handsome (feminine)" (belle).

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