Understand spoken French

"If you’re looking for your keys, they are in my bag." in French

Si tu cherches tes clés, elles sont dans mon sac.

Literal Breakdown


The French translation for “If you’re looking for your keys, they are in my bag.” is Si tu cherches tes clés, elles sont dans mon sac.. The French, Si tu cherches tes clés, elles sont dans mon sac., can be broken down into 10 parts:"if" (si), "you (singular)" (tu), "look for; are looking for (2nd person singular)" (cherches), "your (informal plural)" (tes), "keys" (clés), "they (feminine)" (elles), "are (3rd person plural)" (sont), "in; into" (dans), "my (masculine singular)" (mon) and "bag" (sac).

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