Les chèvres au Maroc savent grimper aux arbres !
Literal Breakdown
Recording | English | French | Learn |
the (plural) | les | ||
goats | chèvres | ||
to the; at the (masculine) | au | ||
Morocco (short form) | Maroc | ||
know; are aware (3rd person plural) | savent | ||
to climb | grimper | ||
to the; at the (plural) | aux | ||
trees | arbres |
The French translation for “Goats in Morocco can climb trees!” is Les chèvres au Maroc savent grimper aux arbres !. The French, Les chèvres au Maroc savent grimper aux arbres !, can be broken down into 8 parts:"the (plural)" (les), "goats" (chèvres), "to the; at the (masculine)" (au), "Morocco (short form)" (Maroc), "know; are aware (3rd person plural)" (savent), "to climb" (grimper), "to the; at the (plural)" (aux) and "trees" (arbres).Practice Lesson