Bizet a composé l’opéra qui s’appelle Carmen.

Literal Breakdown
Recording | English | French | Learn |
Bizet (French composer) | Bizet | ||
has composed; composed | a composé | ||
the opera | l’opéra | ||
who; which; that | qui | ||
is called | s’appelle | ||
Carmen (girl’s name) | Carmen |
Carmen is a very famous opera by French composer Georges Bizet. See Carmen in Wikipedia.
The French translation for “Bizet composed the opera which is called Carmen.” is Bizet a composé l’opéra qui s’appelle Carmen.. The French, Bizet a composé l’opéra qui s’appelle Carmen., can be broken down into 6 parts:"Bizet (French composer)" (Bizet), "has composed; composed" (a composé), "the opera" (l’opéra), "who; which; that" (qui), "is called" (s’appelle) and "Carmen (girl’s name)" (Carmen).Practice Lesson