pouvez Learn Unstarted Summary The French translation for “are able to; can (2nd person plural)” is pouvez. See also Recording English French Learn are able to; can (3rd person plural) peuvent Learn to be able to; can pouvoir Learn am able to; can peux Learn are able to; can (2nd person singular) peux Learn is able to; can (3rd person singular) peut Learn are able to; can (1st person plural) pouvons Learn Examples of "are able to; can (2nd person plural)" in use There are 9 examples of the French word for "are able to; can (2nd person plural)" being used: Recording English French Learn you’re able to; you can (plural or polite form) vous pouvez Learn You can do it by phone. Vous pouvez le faire par téléphone. Learn You can reserve two seats for Lille. Vous pouvez louer deux places pour Lille. Learn Can you help me please? (formal) Pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plaît ? Learn Could you repeat the question? Pouvez-vous répéter la question ? Learn You can have them insured over there. Vous pouvez les faire assurer en face. Learn Can you complete your answer? Pouvez-vous compléter votre réponse ? Learn Can you settle this? Vous pouvez régler ça ? Learn If you want to cancel an appointment, you can do it immediatly through the homepage of our website www.saintluc.be Si vous souhaitez annuler un rendez-vous, vous pouvez le faire sans plus attendre via la page d’accueil de notre site internet www.saintluc.be Learn Practice Lesson "are able to; can (2nd person plural)" Practice (10) Lesson Learn Lesson words are able to; can (2nd person plural) etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases Can you complete your answer?, Can you help me please? (formal), Can you settle this?, Could you repeat the question?, If you want to cancel an appointment, you can do it immediatly through the homepage of our website www.saintluc.be, You can do it by phone., You can have them insured over there., You can reserve two seats for Lille., you’re able to; you can (plural or polite form) etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 21 Part of Speech Courses Verbs (present tense, 2nd person plural) 1