Understand spoken French

"and we had a great magician to liven up the evening" in French

et on avait un super magicien pour animer la soirée

Literal Breakdown


The French translation for “and we had a great magician to liven up the evening” is et on avait un super magicien pour animer la soirée. The French, et on avait un super magicien pour animer la soirée, can be broken down into 10 parts:"and" (et), "one; people" (on), "had (3rd person singular)" (avait), "a (masculine)" (un), "super" (super), "magician" (magicien), "for; to" (pour), "to liven up" (animer), "the (feminine)" (la) and "evening; party" (soirée).

Examples of "and we had a great magician to liven up the evening" in use

There is 1 example of the French word for "and we had a great magician to liven up the evening" being used:

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