annonce Learn Unstarted Summary The French translation for “ad” is annonce. Examples of "ad" in use There are 4 examples of the French word for "ad" being used: Recording English French Learn a classified ad une petite annonce Learn I found my car through a classified ad in the newspaper. J’ai trouvé ma voiture grâce à une petite annonce dans le journal. Learn I have to answer to this ad for employment. Je dois répondre à cette annonce pour un emploi. Learn She wrote an ad online to sell her apartment. Elle a écrit une annonce en ligne pour vendre son appartement. Learn Practice Lesson "ad" Practice (5) Lesson Learn Lesson words ad etc. View all lesson words Lesson phrases a classified ad, I found my car through a classified ad in the newspaper., I have to answer to this ad for employment., She wrote an ad online to sell her apartment. etc. View all lesson phrases Themed Courses Miscellaneous 60 Part of Speech Courses Nouns 60