Understand spoken French

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Recording English French Time ago created Learn
device; appliance


8 years 6 months ago
to convince


8 years 6 months ago
The waitress is very cheerful.

La serveuse est très souriante.

8 years 6 months ago
smiling; cheerful (feminine)


8 years 6 months ago
smiling; cheerful (masculine)


8 years 6 months ago
The waiter is taking my order.

Le serveur prend ma commande.

8 years 6 months ago
the order

la commande

8 years 6 months ago
an order

une commande

8 years 6 months ago


8 years 6 months ago
a blood alcohol level

une alcoolémie

8 years 6 months ago
the blood alcohol level


8 years 6 months ago
blood alcohol level


8 years 6 months ago
the control

le contrôle

8 years 6 months ago
a control

un contrôle

8 years 6 months ago


8 years 6 months ago
It’s very difficult to find a plumber during the weekend.

C’est très difficile de trouver un plombier le week-end.

8 years 6 months ago
in stock

en stock

8 years 6 months ago
a stock

un stock

8 years 6 months ago
the stock

le stock

8 years 6 months ago


8 years 6 months ago
the medicine; the drug

le médicament

8 years 6 months ago
a medicine; a drug

un médicament

8 years 6 months ago
medicine; drug


8 years 6 months ago
The pharmacist gave me these painkillers.

Le pharmacien m’a donné ces antidouleurs.

8 years 6 months ago
the painkiller


8 years 6 months ago
a painkiller

un antidouleur

8 years 6 months ago


8 years 6 months ago


8 years 6 months ago
has given; gave

a donné

8 years 6 months ago
He’s the best photographer in town.

C’est le meilleur photographe de la ville.

8 years 6 months ago
The French teacher is absent today.

Le professeur de français est absent aujourd’hui.

8 years 6 months ago
absent (feminine)


8 years 6 months ago
absent (masculine)


8 years 6 months ago
The optician thinks that these glasses fit me well.

L’opticienne trouve que ces lunettes me vont bien.

8 years 6 months ago
You don’t look well. You should go to the doctor.

Tu n’as pas l’air bien. Tu devrais aller chez le médecin.

8 years 6 months ago
You should go to the doctor.

Tu devrais aller chez le médecin.

8 years 6 months ago
You don’t look well.

Tu n’as pas l’air bien.

8 years 6 months ago
don’t have (2nd person singular)

n’as pas

8 years 6 months ago
This journalist has a very nice style.

Ce journaliste a un style très agréable.

8 years 6 months ago
This gardener is patient and meticulous.

Ce jardinier est patient et minutieux.

8 years 6 months ago