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My weekend is for sport. After a week sitting down in the classroom, I love to spend hours doing exercise. On Saturday morning I go to the swimming pool with my brother and, in the afternoon, we play football with friends in the park.

Mon weekend c’est pour le sport. Après une semaine assis dans la classe, j’adore passer des heures à faire de l’exercise. Le samedi matin je vais à la piscine avec mon frère et, l’après-midi, nous jouons au foot, avec des amis, dans le parc.

6 years 5 months ago
My weekend is for sport.

Mon weekend c’est pour le sport.

6 years 5 months ago
Scorpio (The Scorpion-astrological sign)

le scorpion

6 years 5 months ago
Libra (The Scales-astrological sign)

la balance

6 years 5 months ago
Libra (sign of the zodiac)


6 years 5 months ago
Virgo (sign of the zodiac)


6 years 5 months ago
Leo (The Lion-astrological sign)

le lion

6 years 5 months ago
Cancer (The Crab-astrological sign)

le cancer

6 years 5 months ago
Gemini (The Twins-astrological sign)

les gémeaux

6 years 5 months ago
Taurus (The Bull-astrological sign)

le taureau

6 years 5 months ago
Taurus (sign of the zodiac meaning bull)


6 years 5 months ago
Aries (The Ram-astrological sign)

le bélier

6 years 5 months ago
Aries (sign of the zodiac meaning ram)


6 years 5 months ago
Pisces (The Fish-astrological sign)

les poissons

6 years 5 months ago
Pisces (sign of the zodiac)


6 years 5 months ago
Aquarius (The Water Bearer-astrological sign)

le verseau

6 years 5 months ago
Aquarius (sign of the zodiac)


6 years 5 months ago
Capricorn (The Mountain Sea-goat- atrological sign)

le capricorne

6 years 5 months ago
Capricorn (sign of the zodiac)


6 years 5 months ago
what is your sign

quel est ton signe

6 years 5 months ago
the horoscope


6 years 5 months ago


6 years 5 months ago
to get divorced


6 years 5 months ago
to break up


6 years 5 months ago
to get married

se marier

6 years 5 months ago
to enter a civil partnership

se pacser

6 years 5 months ago
to get engaged

se fiancer

6 years 5 months ago
to kiss each other


6 years 5 months ago
to kiss


6 years 5 months ago
to live together

vivre ensemble

6 years 5 months ago
to be friends

être amis

6 years 5 months ago
to flirt


6 years 5 months ago
the romanticism

le romantisme

6 years 5 months ago


6 years 5 months ago
the honesty


6 years 5 months ago


6 years 5 months ago
the respect

le respect

6 years 5 months ago


6 years 5 months ago
the sense of humor

le sens de l’humour

6 years 5 months ago


6 years 5 months ago