Understand spoken French

"too; also" Practice French lesson

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I would also like to buy some shoes.

Je voudrais aussi acheter des chaussures.

I also like cycling

j’aime aussi faire du vélo

I would like to introduce my friend also.

Je voudrais aussi présenter mon ami.

you too

toi aussi

Thank you, you too

merci, toi aussi

In France, it’s also Music Day.

En France, c’est aussi la Fête de la Musique.

sometimes I work as well in fashion

des fois je travaille aussi dans la mode

I would also like to change the room.

Je voudrais aussi changer de chambre.

I would also like to to try this suit on.

Je voudrais aussi essayer ce costume.

I would like to find a taxi also.

Je voudrais aussi trouver un taxi.

I would like to find my friend also.

Je voudrais aussi trouver mon ami.

I would also like to keep my seats.

Je voudrais aussi retenir mes places.

I would also like to start later.

Je voudrais aussi commencer plus tard.

This shoemaker also installs number plates.

Ce cordonnier pose aussi les plaques d’immatriculation.

people also drink champagne

on boit aussi du champagne

and which allow me to travel a lot as well

et qui me permettent de voyager beaucoup aussi

and I also practise unicycle basketball

et je m’entraine aussi au mono-basket

At the house we have a big garden with a small vegetable garden as well.

À la maison nous avons un grand jardin avec un petit potager aussi.

In France as well, there are special festivities in some cities.

En France aussi, il y a des festivités spéciales dans certaines villes.

I would also like to to thank my friends.

Je voudrais aussi remercier mes amis.