Understand spoken French

"has" Practice French lesson

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and nothing of this which has been made, has been made without him

et rien de ce qui a été fait n’a été fait sans elle

This journalist has a very nice style.

Ce journaliste a un style très agréable.

She bought a new mincing knife for her kitchen.

Elle a acheté un nouveau couteau à bascule pour sa cuisine.

He’s got a single white hair.

Il a un seul cheveu blanc.

He has a lisp.

Il a un cheveu sur la langue.

She has geography Wednesday and Friday.

Elle a géo mercredi et vendredi.

She delivered a speech in front of an audience.

Elle a pris la parole en public.

we have a lot of stress on this day

on a beaucoup de stress ce jour-là

The tourist has bought a ticket.

Le touriste a acheté un billet.

He found a ball in the garden.

Il a trouvé une balle dans le jardin.

The pilot of this plane has a lot of flight hours.

Le pilote de cet avion a beaucoup d’heures de vol.

She has geography because she thinks it’s very interesting.

Elle a géo parce qu’elle pense que c’est très intéressant.

He needs one more figurine for his collection.

Il a besoin d’une figurine de plus pour sa collection.

He needs a new tablet to do his homework.

Il a besoin d’une nouvelle tablette pour faire ses devoirs.

This park needs a new gardener.

Ce jardin public a besoin d’un nouveau jardinier.

Fabien spent the day watching TV and eating ice cream.

Fabien a passé la journée à regarder la télé et à manger de la glace.

has her


has repaired; repaired

a réparé

he has a big nose

il a un gros nez

He lied to her.

Il lui a menti.