Understand spoken French

Days of the week 1 Examples French lesson

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It’s Monday.

C’est lundi.

Monday is the day before Tuesday.

Lundi est le jour avant mardi.

The day after Monday is Tuesday.

Le jour après lundi est mardi.

The day after Sunday is Monday.

Le jour après dimanche est lundi.

Sunday is the day before Monday.

Dimanche est le jour avant lundi.

The day after Tuesday is Wednesday.

Le jour après mardi est mercredi.

Tuesday is the day before Wednesday.

Mardi est le jour avant mercredi.

Monday is the first day of the week.

Lundi est le premier jour de la semaine.

If today is Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday.

Si aujourd’hui c’est lundi, demain c’est mardi.

If today is Sunday, tomorrow is Monday.

Si aujourd’hui c’est dimanche, demain c’est lundi.

If today is Tuesday, tomorrow is Wednesday.

Si aujourd’hui c’est mardi, demain c’est mercredi.

What day is it?

Quel jour sommes-nous ?

If today is Tuesday, yesterday was Monday.

Si aujourd’hui c’est mardi, hier c’était lundi.

If today is Wednesday, yesterday was Tuesday.

Si aujourd’hui c’est mercredi, hier c’était mardi.

If today is Monday, yesterday was Sunday.

Si aujourd’hui c’est lundi, hier c’était dimanche.

If today is Sunday, yesterday was Saturday.

Si aujourd’hui c’est dimanche, hier c’était samedi.

If today is Saturday, yesterday was Friday.

Si aujourd’hui c’est samedi, hier c’était vendredi.

The day after Thursday is Friday.

Le jour après jeudi est vendredi.

Thursday is the day before Friday.

Jeudi est le jour avant vendredi.

The day after Wednesday is Thursday.

Le jour après mercredi est jeudi.