Understand spoken French

French-English Dictionary - I

0 (2) 1 (13) 2 (3) 3 (3) 8 (1) A (524) B (229) C (869) D (690) E (585) F (230) G (119) H (86) I (441) J (602) K (8) L (1397) M (434) N (245) O (222) P (615) Q (211) R (243) S (535) T (347) U (980) V (325) W (13) X (1) Y (10) Z (13) Π(4)
French Recording English Learn

Il doit décrire son nouveau projet devant un public.

He has to describe his new project in front of an audience.

Il doit partir maintenant, sinon il sera en retard.

He must leave now, otherwise he will be late.

Il doit partir maintenant.

He must leave now.

Il doit répéter sa leçon de piano tous les jours.

He must practice his piano lesson every day.

il donne

he gives

Il donne ses jeux vidéo à sa sœur.

He is giving his video games to his sister.

il est

he is

Il est à Lyon maintenant.

He is in Lyon now.

Il est à Lyon.

He is in Lyon.

Il est à l’heure maintenant.

He is on time now.

Il est à Paris maintenant.

he is in Paris now.

Il est à Paris.

He is in Paris.

il est amoureux d’elle donc il lui a fait des avances

he’s in love with her so he tried seducing her

Il est anglais maintenant

He is English now

Il est au café.

He is in the cafe.

Il est au restaurant.

He is at the restaurant.

il est audacieux

he is bold

il est beau

he is handsome

Il est belge.

He is Belgian.

il est britannique

he’s British

il est célèbre

he’s famous

Il est cinq heures.

It is five o’clock

il est courageux

he’s brave

il est dangereux

he is dangerous

Il est deux heures moins cinq.

It’s five to two.

Il est deux heures moins dix.

It’s ten to two.

Il est deux heures moins le quart.

It’s a quarter to two.

Il est deux heures moins vingt-cinq.

It is twenty-five to two.

Il est deux heures moins vingt.

It is twenty to two

Il est deux heures.

It is two o’clock

Il est dix heures.

It is ten o’clock

il est en colère

he is angry

Il est en face de la table.

He is facing the table.

Il est en retard maintenant

he is late now

Il est en retard.

He is late.

Il est en vacances.

He is on holiday.