Understand spoken French

Transport 2 Examples French lesson

Sleeping car. The French for "sleeping car" is "wagon-lit".
A ferry. The French for "a ferry" is "un ferry".
The ferry. The French for "the ferry" is "le ferry".
A boat. The French for "a boat" is "un bateau".
The boat. The French for "the boat" is "le bateau".
A stopover. The French for "a stopover" is "une escale".
The stopover. The French for "the stopover" is "l’escale".
A timetable; a schedule. The French for "a timetable; a schedule" is "un horaire".
The timetable; the schedule. The French for "the timetable; the schedule" is "l’horaire".
The traffic. The French for "the traffic" is "le trafic".
A traffic. The French for "a traffic" is "un trafic".