Understand spoken French

Toys and Games 4 Examples French lesson

A tricycle. The French for "a tricycle" is "un tricycle".
The tricycle. The French for "the tricycle" is "le tricycle".
A car toy. The French for "a car toy" is "une voiture miniature".
A toy train. The French for "a toy train" is "un train miniature".
Toy train. The French for "toy train" is "train miniature".
The toy train. The French for "the toy train" is "le train miniature".
A puppet. The French for "a puppet" is "une marionnette".
The puppet. The French for "the puppet" is "la marionnette".
A yo-yo. The French for "a yo-yo" is "un yo-yo".
The yo-yo. The French for "the yo-yo" is "le yo-yo".
Some marbles. The French for "some marbles" is "des billes".
The marbles are made of glass.. The French for "The marbles are made of glass." is "Les billes sont en verre.".
A figurine. The French for "a figurine" is "une figurine".
The figurine. The French for "the figurine" is "la figurine".
The kids are playing marbles in the schoolyard.. The French for "The kids are playing marbles in the schoolyard." is "Les enfants jouent aux billes dans la cour de récréation.".
A boomerang. The French for "a boomerang" is "un boomerang".
The boomerang. The French for "the boomerang" is "le boomerang".