Understand spoken French

Restaurant 2 Examples French lesson

A cup. The French for "a cup" is "une tasse".
A knife. The French for "a knife" is "un couteau".
A card; a menu. The French for "a card; a menu" is "une carte".
The card; the menu. The French for "the card; the menu" is "la carte".
A tablecloth. The French for "a tablecloth" is "une nappe".
The tablecloth. The French for "the tablecloth" is "la nappe".
A plate. The French for "a plate" is "une assiette".
The plate. The French for "the plate" is "l’assiette".
The knife. The French for "the knife" is "le couteau".
A waitress. The French for "a waitress" is "une serveuse".
The waitress. The French for "the waitress" is "la serveuse".
Is there a cup on the table?. The French for "Is there a cup on the table?" is "Est-ce qu’il y a une tasse sur la table ?".
Mincing knife; rocking chopping knife. The French for "mincing knife; rocking chopping knife" is "couteau à bascule".
My plate is broken.. The French for "My plate is broken." is "Mon assiette est cassée.".
A corkscrew. The French for "a corkscrew" is "un tire-bouchon".
The corkscrew. The French for "the corkscrew" is "le tire-bouchon".
The kitchen. The French for "the kitchen" is "la cuisine".