51 (fifty-one) |
cinquante-et-un |
52 (fifty-two) |
cinquante-deux |
55 (fifty-five) |
cinquante-cinq |
57 (fifty-seven) |
cinquante-sept |
There is the restaurant. |
Voilà le restaurant. |
53 (fifty-three) |
cinquante-trois |
54 (fifty-four) |
cinquante-quatre |
days of the week |
les jours de la semaine |
I am fifty years old. |
J’ai cinquante ans. |
Is someone going to show it to me? |
Va-t-on me la montrer ? |
fifty percent |
cinquante pour cent |
250 (two hundred and fifty) |
deux-cent-cinquante |
Is someone going to show them to me? |
Va-t-on me les montrer ? |
Is she going to show it to me? |
va-t-elle me le montrer ? |
Wïll you show it to me? |
Voulez-vous me la montrer ? |
There are 7 days in a week. |
Il y a 7 jours dans une semaine. |
153 (one hundred and fifty-three) |
cent-cinquante-trois |
256 (two hundred and fifty-six) |
deux-cent-cinquante-six |
seven times eight equals fifty six |
sept fois huit égale cinquante-six |
are you? |
es-tu ? |