Understand spoken French

Nouns 66 Examples French lesson

Some champagne. The French for "some champagne" is "du champagne".
A capital letter. The French for "a capital letter" is "une majuscule".
The saucepan. The French for "the saucepan" is "la casserole".
A saucepan. The French for "a saucepan" is "une casserole".
An activity leader; a presenter. The French for "an activity leader; a presenter" is "un animateur".
The activity leader; the presenter. The French for "the activity leader; the presenter" is "l’animateur".
The capital letter. The French for "the capital letter" is "la majuscule".
The elevator. The French for "the elevator" is "l’ascenceur".
An elevator. The French for "an elevator" is "un ascenceur".
A reception; a party. The French for "a reception; a party" is "une réception".
The reception; the party. The French for "the reception; the party" is "la réception".
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