Understand spoken French

Clothes French lesson

Shirt. The French for "shirt" is "chemise".
Shoes. The French for "shoes" is "chaussures".
Skirt. The French for "skirt" is "jupe".
Glasses; spectacles. The French for "glasses; spectacles" is "lunettes".
Shirts. The French for "shirts" is "chemises".
Soles. The French for "soles" is "semelles".
Shoe size. The French for "shoe size" is "pointure".
Clothes. The French for "clothes" is "vĂȘtements".
Jewelry. The French for "jewelry" is "bijoux".
Laundry. The French for "laundry" is "linge".
Suits. The French for "suits" is "costumes".
Coats. The French for "coats" is "manteaux".
Coat. The French for "coat" is "manteau".
Suit. The French for "suit" is "costume".
Hat. The French for "hat" is "chapeau".
Hats. The French for "hats" is "chapeaux".
Belt; seatbelt. The French for "belt; seatbelt" is "ceinture".
Jersey. The French for "jersey" is "maillot".
Jeans. The French for "jeans" is "jean".
T-shirt. The French for "T-shirt" is "T-shirt; tee-shirt".