Understand spoken French

Bathroom 1 Examples French lesson

Bathroom. The French for "bathroom" is "salle de bains".
The bathroom. The French for "the bathroom" is "la salle de bains".
Toothbrush. The French for "toothbrush" is "brosse à dents".
To wash one’s hands. The French for "to wash one’s hands" is "se laver les mains".
Toilet paper. The French for "toilet paper" is "papier toilette".
He’s washing himself.. The French for "He’s washing himself." is "Il fait sa toilette.".
I’m having a wash; I’m getting washed. The French for "I’m having a wash; I’m getting washed" is "je fais ma toilette".
The cat is washing herself.. The French for "The cat is washing herself." is "Le chat fait sa toilette.".
He’s grooming the dog. The French for "he’s grooming the dog" is "il toilette le chien".
Swimsuit. The French for "swimsuit" is "maillot de bain".
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