Understand spoken French

Adverbs Examples French lesson

Five to two. The French for "five to two" is "deux heures moins cinq".
People also drink champagne. The French for "people also drink champagne" is "on boit aussi du champagne".
Traditionally, people offer some lily of the valley.. The French for "Traditionally, people offer some lily of the valley." is "Traditionnellement, on offre du muguet.".
Then, at midnight, many people go to Mass.. The French for "Then, at midnight, many people go to Mass." is "Ensuite, à minuit, beaucoup de gens vont à la messe.".
Yes, a girl and a boy.. The French for "Yes, a girl and a boy." is "Oui, une fille et un garçon.".
Many people go to Mass.. The French for "Many people go to Mass." is "Beaucoup de gens vont à la messe.".
A good dancer must be very flexible.. The French for "A good dancer must be very flexible." is "Une bonne danseuse doit être très souple.".
This journalist has a very nice style.. The French for "This journalist has a very nice style." is "Ce journaliste a un style très agréable.".
We just wanted to say a last goodbye.. The French for "We just wanted to say a last goodbye." is "On voulait juste te dire un dernier au revoir.".
UFO (Unidentified Flying Object). The French for "UFO (Unidentified Flying Object)" is "ovni".
Unidentified flying object. The French for "unidentified flying object" is "objet volant non identifié".
The spinning top is rotating very fast.. The French for "The spinning top is rotating very fast." is "La toupie tourne très vite.".
The optician thinks that these glasses fit me well.. The French for "The optician thinks that these glasses fit me well." is "L’opticienne trouve que ces lunettes me vont bien.".
It’s windy today.. The French for "It’s windy today." is "Il y a du vent aujourd’hui.".