Understand spoken French

Adjectives French lesson

Red. The French for "red" is "rouge".
Pink (singular). The French for "pink (singular)" is "rose".
Happy (feminine). The French for "happy (feminine)" is "heureuse".
Happy (masculine). The French for "happy (masculine)" is "heureux".
Green (masculine). The French for "green (masculine)" is "vert".
Green (masculine plural). The French for "green (masculine plural)" is "verts".
Green (feminine). The French for "green (feminine)" is "verte".
Green (feminine plural). The French for "green (feminine plural)" is "vertes".
Orange. The French for "orange" is "orange".
Bigger. The French for "bigger" is "plus grand".
Underwater (feminine). The French for "underwater (feminine)" is "sous-marine".
Blue (feminine plural). The French for "blue (feminine plural)" is "bleues".
Blue (masculine plural). The French for "blue (masculine plural)" is "bleus".
Blue (feminine). The French for "blue (feminine)" is "bleue".
Marine (feminine). The French for "marine (feminine)" is "marine".
Angry. The French for "angry" is "en colère".
Thai (feminine). The French for "Thai (feminine)" is "thaïlandaise".
12 (twelve). The French for "12 (twelve)" is "douze".
13 (thirteen). The French for "13 (thirteen)" is "treize".
30 (thirty). The French for "30 (thirty)" is "trente".