Understand spoken Chinese

"Because of war, she hasn't seen her father for five years." in Chinese


Literal Breakdown






The Chinese translation for “Because of war, she hasn't seen her father for five years.” is 因为战争,她已经五年没见过父亲了。. The Chinese, 因为战争,她已经五年没见过父亲了。, can be broken down into 11 parts:"because" (因为), "war; battle" (战争), "she" (), "already" (已经), "five" (), "year" (), "no; not" (), "see" (), "cross; live; pass" (), "father" (父亲) and "completion particle; past tense particle" ().

Examples of "Because of war, she hasn't seen her father for five years." in use

There is 1 example of the Chinese word for "Because of war, she hasn't seen her father for five years." being used:

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