I'm very pleased with a recent addition to Lingopolo: Courses. A course is basically a twinned pair of:
- a vocabularly lesson (e.g. Vegetables)
- an examples lesson (e.g. Vegetables Examples)
In the vocabularly lesson you will find just the words on their own. In the examples lesson, you will find all the example phrases which use these words.
For example, below is a screenshot for the Vegetables Course. On the left you see the lesson to practise the vocabulary (e.g. brocolli, cabbage, onion). On the right you find lesson to practise the example phrases (e.g. "Eggplant in Thailand is purple and green", "Garlic is white" etc.):
You will see below another example, this time from the Places course.
Notice how you see the number of words to be practised in the top left.
On the left is the lesson to practise just the words (e.g. airport, beach, cliff).
On the right is the lesson to practise example phrases (e.g. "All roads lead to Rome", "Does the room have a seaview?").
The Courses are all accessible from the Online Lessons page:
Before all these changes, the vocabulary lessons and the related example lessons were simply listed in two separate columns, where it wasn't at all as obvious the way in which the vocabulary and example lessons went together. Here is a screenshot of the old screen:
Finally, when you are within a Lesson which is part of a Course, you will see in the bottom-left corner a link back to the Course home page:
I hope this helps even more to make finding your way around Lingopolo more intuitive and easier, and that therefore it helps you to focus completely on your study of Thai.