Understand spoken French

"his; her (feminine singular)" Practice French lesson

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She bought a new mincing knife for her kitchen.

Elle a acheté un nouveau couteau à bascule pour sa cuisine.

She lost her marble in the bathroom sink.

Elle a perdu sa bille dans le lavabo.

She has a picture with her favorite celebrity.

Elle a une photo avec sa personnalité préférée.

She must spend a lot of money for her house.

Elle doit dépenser beaucoup d’argent pour sa maison.

She plays tea parties with her mom.

Elle joue à la dinette avec sa mère.

personal hygiene; grooming

faire sa toilette

thanks to its very pleasant location

grâce à sa situation très agréable

He needs one more figurine for his collection.

Il a besoin d’une figurine de plus pour sa collection.

He lied to his electorate during his campaign.

Il a menti à ses électeurs pendant sa campagne.

He is changing the castor of his desk chair.

Il change la roulette de sa chaise de bureau.

He must practice his piano lesson every day.

Il doit répéter sa leçon de piano tous les jours.

He is giving his video games to his sister.

Il donne ses jeux vidéo à sa sœur.

He’s washing himself.

Il fait sa toilette.

He gave me his word.

Il m’a donné sa parole.

He’s going to show me the photo of his family

Il va me montrer la photo de sa famille

I don’t understand the object of his anger.

Je ne comprends pas l’objet de sa colère.

The cashier is called to her checkout.

La caissière est appelée à sa caisse.

The cat is washing herself.

Le chat fait sa toilette.

The merchant doesn’t want to lower the price of his goods.

Le marchand ne veut pas baisser le prix de sa marchandise.

My daughter loves to play with her Barbie.

Ma fille aime jouer avec sa Barbie.