Understand spoken Dutch

"The little girl stretched out her feet to warm them as well" in Dutch

De kleine meisje strekte haar voeten reeds uit, om ook deze te warmen

Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “The little girl stretched out her feet to warm them as well” is De kleine meisje strekte haar voeten reeds uit, om ook deze te warmen. The Dutch, De kleine meisje strekte haar voeten reeds uit, om ook deze te warmen, can be broken down into 13 parts:"the" (de), "small (long form)" (kleine), "girl" (meisje), "stretched" (strekte), "her" (haar), "feet" (voeten), "already" (reeds), "out" (uit), "in order to" (om), "also; as well" (ook), "this; these" (deze), "to" (te) and "to warm" (warmen).

Examples of "The little girl stretched out her feet to warm them as well" in use

There is 1 example of the Dutch word for "The little girl stretched out her feet to warm them as well" being used:

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