Understand spoken Dutch

"Summon up your knowledge about difficulty, style, scope..." in Dutch

Som je voorkennis op over moeilijkheidsgraad, stijl, strekking...


Literal Breakdown


The Dutch translation for “Summon up your knowledge about difficulty, style, scope...” is Som je voorkennis op over moeilijkheidsgraad, stijl, strekking.... The Dutch, Som je voorkennis op over moeilijkheidsgraad, stijl, strekking..., can be broken down into 8 parts:"sum up (part 1; imperative)" (som), "your (informal; short form)" (je), "prior knowledge" (voorkennis), "sum up (part 2; imperative)" (op), "over; about" (over), "degree of difficulty" (moeilijkheidsgraad), "style" (stijl) and "scope" (strekking).

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