Understand spoken Chinese

"possession particle/adjective marker" Practice Chinese lesson

Recording English Chinese Status
I really don't want to go to school tomorrow. 我明天真的不想去上学。
This comfortable place is in India. 这个舒适的地方在印度。
There is so much sea creatures underwater! 水下有这么多的海洋生物!
I usually do not go to the expensive restaurants. 我平常不去很贵的餐厅。
Sophia is a twelve year old girl. 索菲亚是一个十二岁的女孩。
Today, she will finally meet her father.k 今天,她终于要见到自己的父亲了。
She is really sad right now because she really misses her father. 她现在真的很伤心,因为她很想念她的父亲。
Do you really love, or do you just say that because you don't love me? 你是真的爱我吗,还是只是因为不爱我才这么说的?
If you are looking for a comfortable place, just listen to me. 如果你正在寻找一个舒适的地方,那就听我说。
But what she doesn't know is that her father escaped the war and now is waiting for her. 但她不知道的是,她的父亲已经逃离了战争,他现在正在等她。
I love my mouth. 我爱我的嘴
My dog ate my homework. 我的狗吃了我的功课。
This is my brother. 这是我的哥哥。
The television always doesn't work! 电视总是坏的!
Chinese people are kind! 中国人是善良的!
Is your computer broken? 你的电脑坏了吗?
She didn’t like her husband. 她不喜欢她的丈夫。
A ghost is eating your food! 鬼正在吃你的食物!
You have beautiful hair. 你的头发很漂亮。
My cat is blind in one eye. 我的猫一只眼睛瞎了